Review: Garnet Flats - Devney Perry

Review: Garnet Flats - Book #3 The Edens Series - Devney Perry - July 2022

I was in two minds about this book as I have enjoyed the first two books and Book #2 Juniper Hill is still my favorite so far in the series, but I felt that Talia's story was a bit of a letdown, and also her character frustrated me. Looking at all the siblings, Talia even though she is a twin to Lyla ended up with the qualities of acting as a hardarse and she is a bit of a doormat personality with an I am Miss Independent - Hear Me Roar. Her character frustrated me in this book as it was like, stop acting like a spoiled brat and also get over yourself at the same time. It wasn't just her that frustrated me as Foster Madden - I loved his character but the reason he married Talia's friend and was with her for seven years - it screamed weakminded to me and it was like all the characters in this particular book didn't want to step on anyone's toes and cause conflict or make waves - even the side characters who weren't quite important to the story. In saying that though, this was another good installment into the Eden family and I do love my family sagas and watching the families grow and expand with new generations being born.  Garnet Flats is a second chance romance story featuring Talia Eden - a Doctor who wishes to be accepted for who she is and what she is capable of, and not for her family name and Foster Madden - a champion MMA fighter who wants to try and win back the girl he should never let leave and has seven years to make up for.  I am now looking forward to the next book "Jasper Vale" which by the seems of it could cause a few waves between the sisters Lyla and Eloise Eden as it gave hints of a potential love triangle.



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