Book Blitz Tour - Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris

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This is my post during the blog tour for Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris. Eat Dessert First is a heartwarming story of hope and learning to believe in yourself.

This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours and the tour runs from 7 till 20 May. You can see the tour schedule here.

Eat Dessert First book cover
Eat Dessert First
By Michelle Paris
Genre: Women's Fiction/ ChickLit
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 7 May, 2024

Baker Abbey Reilly has heard you have such a pretty face enough to know that it’s code for but an ugly body. At thirty-three, she has been particularly unlucky in love and convinced that no one will ever see beyond her plus-size. So she’s stunned when a handsome regular customer not only shows interest but asks her to dinner.

Let down and devastated when she learns her would-be beau is married, Abbey is resigned to live a lonely existence. Until a sweet encounter with a dreamy guy at a bachelorette party gives her hope that her luck in the romance department has changed. But his horrible ex-fiancee has different plans.

Can this big-hearted baker find the recipe for happiness and romance?

With light humor and loving insight, Michelle Paris weaves a delightful tale of learning to believe in yourself. Juggling elder parent care, tight finances, and deeply ingrained insecurities, Abbey Reilly will charm any reader fond of rooting for an underdog.

Eat Dessert First is a heartwarming story of hope. If you like relatable heroines, chasing a dream, and maintaining hope while searching for happiness, then you’ll adore Michelle Paris’s sweet story of fulfillment.

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Michelle Paris author picture
About the Author:
Michelle Paris is an award-winning Maryland writer who writes about hope with humor. Eat Dessert First is her second novel that deals with a serious subject told with a mixture of heartfelt and comedic moments. Her debut novel, New Normal, loosely based on her own experience of being a young widow, received First Place in The BookFest Fall 2023 Awards and was a Finalist in The Independent Author Network Book Awards. Michelle’s personal story of overcoming grief was featured in the Wall Street Journal. And her essays about grief and mid-life dating have appeared in multiple editions of the Chicken Soup for the Soul and in other media outlets. She is a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association and the Maryland Writer’s Association. Currently, Michelle is enjoying chapter two of her life with her new husband, Kevin, who keeps her from being a cat lady but only on a technicality. For more information, please visit

Author links:
- Website
- Twitter
- Instagram
- Amazon
- Goodreads

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Eat Dessert First. One winner wins a paperback or hardcopy (winner's choice) of Eat Dessert First, a $20 amazon gift card and a bag. Open international.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

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