Review: Killing Me Softly - Leisl Leighton
Today's review is from the Aussie Imprint Destiny Romance and today's author spotlighting is Liesl Leighton with her new Destiny Romance "Killing Me Softly".
Review: Killing Me Softly - Leisl Leighton- June 2013
After reading a couple of Destiny Romance's thrillers, I was excited to start reading Killing Me Softly as I felt in the mood for something a bit more edgier. Killing Me Softly starts off as a Rock N Roll novel with the band "The Sidhe" an Irish Rock Band which includes Daemon their lead singer. Feeling the need for some inspiration and to get back on top, the band end up hiring AJ Denholm - a reclusive music producers whose music is snapping up bands awards all across the globe. What they will be in for is a shock as AJ Denholm is in fact young Alexia aka Lexie Deningham whose reclusivity is a result of an accident that happened years ago which has resulted in her twin sister Cat becoming catatonic. What happens though when the band comes to her estate and shortly after more threatening letters about her past start arriving and even more so when murders start occurring ? Has her stalker followed the band here and how is it all connected to the incident that involved her sister those many moons ago ? Lexie is feeling the flirt from Daemon , is she able to open her heart up to Daemon or will she find herself once again becoming betrayed and hurt by the one she loves and adores ? .
Killing Me Softly was a good read but is set at a slow pace, which some readers like I did , may find frustrating at times as they are eager to get into the crime aspect of the novel.

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