Review: Dr. Strange Beard - Penny Reid

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Image result for winston brothers  Dr Strange Beard

Dr. Strange Beard (Winston Brothers, #5)

Review: Dr. Strange Beard - Book #5 Winston Brothers Series - Penny Reid - July 2018

If there is a family that I love to read about it has been the Winston Brothers. This has to be one of my favorite book series out there as the brothers; you can't help but fall in love with them all - with their funny quirks and their redneck comments. The other thing I love about The Winston Brothers is they are all genuinely nice guys; they may look like they had a bad bone and they have reasons too - but they are the nicest around there, and they have the best intentions. Dr. Strange Beard is the youngest Roscoe's story. Roscoe has only ever loved one person his entire life besides his family - Simone Payton and now she is back in Green Valley except now she is an undercover FBI agent who is after his Dad Darrell Winston. Of course, to make the snatch, she has to get close to the Winstons and who better to use as a target but Roscoe. The thing is though that ten years ago, they became enemies overnight as he iced her out and she still has no clue why. This is where we learn Roscoe has an eidetic memory when it comes to conversations and people's faces. Can Simone get Roscoe's forgiveness and in turn can they finally get their HEA which is ten years overdue? I have to say while reading this book it seemed as Roscoe would take Cletus's place as my #1 Winston Brother but overall Roscoe sits nicely in #2 place. This was another awesome book by Penny Reid, and now I can't wait for the next Winston Brother book to be released. For redneck humor, MC gangs, romantic comedy, and suspense – check out Dr. Strange Beard by Penny Reid.


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