Review: Finding Chris Evans : The Rockstar Edition - Erin McCarthy

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Finding Chris Evans: The Rockstar Edition

Review: Finding Chris Evans : ( Book #5) The Rockstar Edition - Erin McCarthy- October 2016

This time Ellie's journey to find her "Chris Evans" will take Ellie and her best friend Harper to a concert where the lead musician known as Stryker Chris Evans will be rocking it out on stage. Is that Ellie's true love or will Harper find her soulmate and true love in this rockstar? When the pair are trying to get his attention via the security, Harper gets knocked back by the security guard and ends up breaking her arm. During the concert, Stryker spotted a sexy woman with curves and he wanted to find her after the show but then the commotion happened and his dream girl disappeared. Fast forward to Stryker doing the right thing and visiting the fan who broke her arm in hospital, though when he hears her laugh - he knows it is his dream girl. When he gets to know Harper, he realizes she is the geek girl to his rockstar counterpart and he loves everything about her. The thing though is he has his manager in his ear telling him how Harper doesn't fit his image and Harper feeling that Stryker - a handsome rockstar could never be interested in her. Can Stryker prove to everyone including Harper - that he loves her geek and all and that she is his "One". I loved this edition as it appealed to my geeky side and I loved the character of Harper and for this Chris Evans - I had in mind the actor Christian Kane as he has that geeky rockstar image going on. I am now looking forward to finishing and reading the last few left in this series as each is a cutesy fast-paced true love romance read.

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