Review: Not Sorry - Erin Lee

Review: Not Sorry - Erin Lee - April 2020
You know how you have those authors who you buy no matter what and make a habit of reading their releases. For me, that is indie author Erin Lee. I have always found the majority of her books enjoyable reads and this was no different. Not Sorry by Erin Lee is set mainly up in the air and the clouds, on an airplane. We meet Rob and Jenner which I have to admit did make me sort of giggle as one of the Kardashian brothers is called Rob Jenner. So while I was reading this I couldn't get the whole Kardashian world out of my mind, every time I saw the name, Jenner. For Jenner, she is a beauty influencer and here in Boston to speak at a conference but everything goes wrong for her from not being put to first-class, having a second-rate hotel room, and then to top it off - her luggage which contains everything she needs gets switched. Rob is home to visit his family and everything he has done is for them, he wanted to train as a Social worker but had to get a job as an escort and personal trainer for fast cash. Now most girls just write him off as a playboy or shallow and don't get to know the "real Rob". Normally this doesn't bother him, but his seatmate Jenner has his blood boiling, and now he has accidentally got her bag and she has his. The rest of this book is about the pair trying to meet up to switch bags and it seems sparks have started to sizzle too. With all the wrongs that have happened on this trip, can they finally make a right in sparking a romance that both of them require? Find out in this #oppositesattract and #mixedupbaggage love story - Not Sorry by Erin Lee.
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