VBT# Rattlesnake Road - Amanda McKinney

Rattlesnake Road (A Small Town Mystery Romance)

Review: Rattlesnake Road - Amanda McKinney - May 2021

I read this book a couple of weeks ago now but haven't had a chance to write the review now and even then, I am struggling a bit. As this book had captured my attention from the cover and also the fact it had said it would be a "romantic suspense". However, going into it - I clashed with the main female lead as I found her one of those spoiled housewives who eventually realize that she doesn't like the way she has turned out and so she packs and leaves and starts again. Our main character didn't come from money and was at a point a hard worker and then she married a rich and wealthy husband, course the next part is very cliched - she fell into the role as a rich man's wife and then one day, experienced a tragedy that caused her to wake up from her stupor and discover her whole life was a sham and then she leaves her husband and settles into a small-town where she secretly had brought a fixer-upper cottage for herself. We also learn that due to Grey's life with her husband, the bottle aka alcohol became her best friend and soon she will find herself always needing that next fix, and soon the drinking will cause her to lose everything including a job she did at one time love, but as she won't stoop to the level of the others and sleep with the boss - that was at a standstill too. Of course, while she is in town - Grey will discover a couple of potential love interests in either Lucas - the developer, and Declan- the neighbour. Rattlesnake Road is one of those slow slow-burn romances as it doesn't seem to hit any peak until about 60% through the story which personally for me is too late in the novel to pick up as normally, I would have quit within the first couple of chapters if things haven't picked up as I am more attuned to faster-paced novels. Overall, if you love books that focus more on the character development and growth than romance and action – then you will feel right at home with Rattlesnake Road by Amanda McKinney.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3aiutEk


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