Review: Black Sheep - Tabatha Vargo

Black Sheep

Review: Black Sheep - Tabatha Vargo - September 2016
Tyson did not have the best childhood growing up, in fact, it was downright awful, and when I always read books where the child was treated like this, my heart always goes out to the characters. When he was twelve years old, he was living with his druggie Dad and decided to put an end to it all. One thing led to another, and eventually, Tyson found himself living with an old high school buddy of his Dad's and his family. The Palmers were amazing and took Tyson in and treated him like he was one of their flock. From the day that he arrived, he was smitten by their daughter Nicole. For both of them it was love from the very first sight but of course being foster siblings meant that it was severely frowned upon to do anything and could be seen as incest. When it came to Nicole, she knew that there would be no-one else for her except for Tyson as he always had her heart. Black Sheep has a lot of angst and back and forth moments between Nicole and Tyson as they don't seem eager to cross into that forbidden zone. However about 3/4 of the way through the book, tragedy will hit the Palmer family, and we see this moment bringing Tyson and Nicole closer but with tragedy brings terrible decisions that will have the power to push them apart again. Will they finally face the truth and confront their demons and feelings and realise that they were always meant to be together ? Near the end , Black Sheep had a heart-stopping moment where I was like OMG this can't be the end , how dare you do this to me Tabatha but then she redeemed herself in the Epilogue which is a five years later moment which made me happy and forgive her. Black Sheep is one of those forbidden love stories that will suck readers in from the beginning.


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