Review: The Girl He Used to Know - Tracey Garvis -Graves

Review: The Girl He Used to Know - Tracey Garvis-Graves - April 2019
You know how some reviews you go to write, but you find that they are difficult and you struggle? That's what I felt about writing this review. It's one I've been putting off as I'm finding it difficult to put down the words I want too. I read this book for two reasons - the first is that the author is a favorite of mine and the second was that the topic is something I hold dear to my heart as I have several family members of different parts of the spectrum. In this book, we meet Annika and Jonathan whom first dated in college, but things didn't work out the way they wanted, and they ended up going their separate ways. Almost ten years later, the pair bumps into each other in New York. Annika is busy working as a librarian and Jonathan is on Wall Street. The couple reconnects and starts building another relationship until September 11th strikes and tragedy occurs once again. Will Annika and Jonathan get the HEA they want or is this a case of a couple who are never destined to be together? I liked this book as you could see the steps that Annika has gone through to try and normalize herself and her therapy sessions. What I loved most was the fact that Jonathan never judged Annika and loved her for who she was - quirks and all. Depending on your state of mind whether it be due to the autism aspect or September 11th, this book may trigger emotions and memories.

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