Review: Sorority - Genevieve Sly Crane

Review: Sorority - Genevieve Sly Crane - May 2018
You know how some books you read, they are hard to explain when someone
asked what it was about? That for me was Sorority, and
as a big reader, I often don't find it
hard to tell you about a book. The sorority
was to sum it up a look over a few years at a Sorority house on Greek Row. The
inner workings of sisterhood from the
pledges rushing to the invitations welcoming
them to the house, the initiations and
the sharing of the rooms. From the hidden secrets behind closed doors of
lesbianism, eating disorders and sex and the consequences it can lead too like
getting drunk and partying all the time or pregnancy. Rather than focus more on
the classes side of college, this book is set
in the sorority house and each chapter is one of the sorority members stories. It is quite a disjointed book and does
have a theme of one major character who died during her pledge year and how her
death has made some of the sorority girls take a long hard look at their own
lives. Sorority was a fast read, and I saw it's a format like a collection of short stories interwoven with one
another rather than one solid novel with a strong plot running through the

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