Review: In Session - MJ Rose
Have you read the following authors work : Steve Berry , Barry Eisler , Lee Child and MJ Rose ? Are you familiar with the characters Cotton Malone , John Rain , Jack Reacher and Morgan Snow ?
If you answered YES , then you will definitely feel right at home with MJ Rose's new book "In Session"
Review: In Session - MJ Rose - October 2011
As a huge mystery and adventure fan , when I saw this book "In Session" written by MJ Rose , I thought I just had to read it and it was so awesome . Have you ever imagined what it would be like to analyse your favourite fictional adventure heroes ? What their conversations would be like if they ever found themselves wound up on the chair or in the office of a Sex Therapist ?
Have you ever thought about what it would be like if you put Jack Reacher in a room with John Rain and told them to battle till the end , who would win ? If you can recall , I posted an John Rain vs Jack Reacher a few months back and Jack Reacher won . But what if for the mix we chucked in Steve Berry's Cotton Malone?
In Session, is a quick read where we first have an introduction to MJ Rose's character Dr. Morgan Snow , Sex Therapist and a bit about her background . Then we meet in the first short story Cotton Malone and learn about the referral to the Sex Therapist's office and all about the collection of Erotica fiction and the lovely Catholic Priest Father Matthews.
The second story takes place when another referral brings Sarah whose husband Michael is having an affair and Sarah has proof , Michael angry with Sarah that she has given the files to Dr. Morgan Snow threatens her with the harm of her daughter Dulcie. Enter John Rain , Barry Eisler's character - an assassin who is sent to protect Dr. Snow and her daughter Dulcie. As I was reading this for some reason , I imagined Dr. Snow and Dulcie as Megan Hunt and Lacey from Body of Proof. The third and final short story , is that whilst walking past Dr. Snow's office -an explosion goes off and who should run to her rescue -none other than Lee Child's very own Jack Reacher whom saves the day but does not get away scot-free as he recieves an analysis from Dr.Morgan Snow.
A fun and enjoyable story, a quick read that would sit very nicely with everyone who has ever loved and crushed on Cotton Malone, John Rain , Jack Reacher and Dr. Morgan Snow.

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