VBT# Four Letter Words - Bill Giovannetti + WIN SOME GOODIES
Today's VBT# is Four Letter Words by Bill Giovannetti - this is part of the Litfuse Book Tours.
Review: Four Letter Words - Bill Giovannetti - November 2010
In life and the worldy POV when people say Four Letter Words , it doesn't mean something positive at all, however in the Christian world there are many amazing Four Letter Words like Amen , Lord , Word etc.
Four Letter Words is prepared to be a tool for Christians to get to the heart of the issues and equip us with the tools to turn our challenges, our tribulations into triumphs and our faith into opportunities to share with others his greatness.
Four Letter Words challenges us with questions like :
*Are you ready to explain the truth of God to people who deny it , your faith to those who see it as a weakness ?
*Are you ready to explain the truth of God to people who deny it , your faith to those who see it as a weakness ?
*When someone asks you how God can let something so evil and horrible happen , how will you respond ?
*Are you prepared to go out into the world and share God's word with others ?
Four Letter Words includes Chapters on how to share God's word with others and includes links to videos and websites including the American Idol video when they sang the Worship song "Shout to the Lord". As you can see , God's way is there in the background and it's our job as Christians to help push it forth and to show others that God's way isn't regimented and that it really isn't as bad as people and outsiders portray it.
Are you wondering more what Four Letter Words are shared ?
*True , *Know , *Pain , *Ouch , *Evil , *Word , *Damn , *Wait and *Hope.
Four Letter Words also includes for readers - talking points , discussion guides and notes about each chapter.
Highly recommended for sharing at Youth Groups or in Bible Studies.

About Four Letter Words:
Thou shalt tolerate every opinion... except the Christian's. Today's postmodern "prime directive" leaves many followers of Jesus tongue-tied. In the global village, isn't it unreasonable, and even dangerous, to suggest that the Bible has a monopoly on truth?
The church needs a new breed of Christ-follower. We need Christ-followers who are alert to today's touchy ideas, the truths that fire up more heat than light. We need Christ-followers who can make a clear case for the Bible's worldview; who are ready to help our friends think through their beliefs; who can recognize inconsistencies and challenge them; and who can do all of this with humility, confidence, humor, and love. For more information visit http://fourletterwords.org.
Link to buy the book: http://ow.ly/8FbUq
About Bill Giovannetti:
Dr. Bill Giovannetti is a professor at A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary and the senior pastor of Neighborhood Church of Redding. An experienced speaker and author, Bill informs the mind in ways that touch the heart. He enjoys life with his wife and two kids in northern California. For more information about Bill and his other books, visit http://maxgrace.wordpress.com and http://fourletterwords.org.
About the Giveaway:
Bill is celebrating the new Kindle edition of Four Letter Words (for only $4.99)! He’ll be traveling coast to coast over the next few weeks on this virtual book tour and he's celebrating by hosting a great giveaway!
Click here (http://fourletterwords.org/2012/01/contest-giveaway) to find out how you can win two gift certificates to Amazon (in the amount of $50 and $25) and free downloads of his yet-to-be-released title, Recession-Proof: Living a God-Blessed Life in a Messed Up World.
The whole scoop here: http://fourletterwords.org/2012/01/contest-giveaway/
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