Review: Tempest - Julie Cross
Looking for a new debut author to read ? A book that many have already proclaimed as the besy book for 2012 ? One that contains alot of surprising twists ?
Review: Tempest - Julie Cross - January 2012
When I first saw this book , I thought OK, another supernatural novel and that it must be about angels as that's what it looked like from the cover to me and then I thought it might be about water sirens etc as Tempest is a water creature e.g like the book "Tempest Rising". But, I was in for a shock as it turned about to be about a jumper - a guy named Jackson , who holds the rare gene of being able to jump back in time and then back to the present time. It has to be careful though, as what happens could alter the future. The longest he has ever jumped back in time was forty-eight hours. We also discover that he keeps a journal , inspired by his best friend Adam. One night in 2009 , Jackson stops by his girlfriend Holly's house and tragedy occurs and soon Jackson finds himself transported back to the year 2007 and from there everytime he tries to jump back to the present time , he finds himself going further and further back in time. What will Jackson discover as each time he jumps , he discovers classified information about himself and his family , who they really are ? Will Jackson find himself stuck in 2007 or will something happen to him and he finds himself back in 2009?
Reading Tempest , I found it a mixture of the film starring Hayden Christensen "Jumper" and a teen/YA version of Audrey Niffenger's The Time Traveller's Wife.

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