Review: The Voice - New Testament - N/A
Are you on the lookout for a new theology book to read ? Ever thought about the New Testament and more about it ? Wanting to understand the bible deeper ?
Review: The Voice - New Testament - Various Contributors - November 2011
Are you a new Christian ? Just starting out ? It's quite surprising really as many New Christians rather than buy a full bible tend to stick with discovering the New Testament first. With The Voice , a new and revised version with contributions throughout the Voice from your favourite and inspirational male christians like David Morgan, Joseph Dodson and Jack Wisdom. The Voice contains all 23 books of the New Testament from Matthew, Mark ,Luke and John right to Revelations. For those who are wanting to study the bible in a different context and at their own pace, The Voice contains a series of Different bible daily reading patterns which include Readings to celebrate Advent (lead up to Christmas) , Readings for Lent and Easter (round the rising of Jesus) , Read the New Testament in 24weeks and Daily readings for your own personal growth. Throughout "The Voice" also contains references to the verses and explanations e.g When Jesus fed the 5000 with only 5 loaves of bread ." The point, of course, is not that Jesus couldn’t have turned these stones to bread. A little later in the story He can make food appear when He needs to. But Jesus doesn’t work miracles out of the blue, for no reason, for show or proof or spectacle. He works them in intimate, close places; He works them to meet people’s needs and to show them the way to the Kingdom."
The VoiceTM Bible translation is a faithful dynamic translation of the Scriptures done as a collage of compelling narratives, poetry, song, truth, and wisdom. The Voice calls the reader to step into the whole story of Scripture and experience the joy and wonder of God's revelation. Created for and by a church in great transition, The Voice uniquely represents collaboration among scholars, pastors, writers, musicians, poets, and other artists, giving great attention to the beauty of the narrative. The heart of The Voice is retelling the story of the Bible in a form as fluid as modern literary works yet remaining painstakingly true to the original manuscripts. This translation promotes the public reading of longer sections of Scripture-followed by thoughtful engagement with the biblical narrative in its richness and fullness and dramatic flow.

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