Review: Lit! - Tony Reinke
Wanting a non-fiction Christian read ? Something to help get your brain back into reading non-fiction for all those out there studying ?
Review: Lit ! - Tony Reinke and CJ Mahaney - September 2011
Do you love reading ? Well, I guess if you don't then you wouldn't be reading this review for starters :). Are you a Christian ? Now that's the big question - Do you follow God or are you of the worldly ways ? As a big reader and I do mean BIG , I tend to read alot of everything, I have a very eclectic taste in books. The other thing though about me is that I am a Christian, I go to church most sundays , I read my bible every now and again, I listen to worship music on my Ipod, I read Christian fiction and non-fiction books. This brings up my main question - Am I still considered Christian-like because I read books that are wordly like e.g Dystopian Novels, Erotica Fiction, Supernatural and Paranormal Fantasies and because on my Ipod amidst the Christian music is Pop, Rock, Alt.Rock, Punk etc . I believe that in a way as long as you have given your heart to the lord and follow in ways that are Christian-like then it really shouldn't matter what you read or listen too as we do have to put into the perspective , that we are living in the WORLD and are surrounded by worldly things every single moment of the day.
Lit ! by Tony Reinke is the Christian's Guide to Reading Books , it was an interesting guide to flick through and one that will be sitting on my shelf as a vade mecum - which I found out yesterday was the latin word for ready reference. In Lit ! Tony talks to us about different genres of books and the theological discussion about them . This book will challenge what you read, how you read, and how much time you set aside to read. It will also inspire you to read books you might not normally read; for me that is more classic fiction, more poetry, and more of the Christian classics. If you are an avid reader like me, this book will deepen your passion for good books. And, if you are not a big fan of reading, this book may inspire you to crack open a few more books.
Once again, Lit ! by Tony Reinke is a book that I recommend all avid readers - Christian or not to read through and have on hand.

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